"The City" by Carina Round
I have obviously been slacking when it comes to keeping my blog updated. :(
I have an additional kindergarten class now and they are great, aside from James who steals various things from the other students. We went on a field trip to The Toy Museum last week. Here is Julie drawing a picture. She rarely focuses on a project for more than 15 seconds, so I had to get a photo of this momentous occasion.
Meredith has a boy named Huey in her kindergarten class and he's hilarious...but her impression of him is even more hilarious. Anyway, he has a huge head, his hair is cut way too short in front so his bangs stick straight up, and he has silver caps on some of his teeth. When he gets bored he does ballerina spins around the room. He jabbers a lot and we thought he was speaking Korean but the Korean teachers can't understand any of his "Korean." So Huey has his very own language, I guess. Every time he sees me in the hallway he screams, "What is your name?!" even though I've told him at least 15 times. And we are constantly reminding him to wait until he gets IN the bathroom to start taking his pants off. During the field trip Meredith's only responsibility was to make sure Huey didn't run away or break something.
We have a birthday party at the end of every month. Here is Dana after a lot of birthday cake and soda. She's soooo cute.
I know I wrote about Sam in another blog entry, but here is a picture of him.
As Meredith likes to say, "That kid is CRACKED." Here is a recent conversation I had with Sam.
Sam: "Carly Teacher, I'm not going to be here next Tuesday."
Me: "Why are you going to be absent?"
Sam: "I am going on a trip with my family."
Me: "That sounds fun! Where are you going?"
Sam: (who draws a map to where he's going) "We are going to stay in a hotel and I'm going swimming."
Here is our conversation on Tuesday:
Me: "Sam, I thought you were going to be gone today!"
Sam: "What?"
Me: "You told me you were going on a trip with your family."
Sam: "What?"
Me: "You drew me a map and you said you were staying in a hotel and you were going swimming."
Sam: "What's a hotel?!"
Me: "Forget it. It's good to see you."
Other reasons why Sam makes my life more amusing:
--Pete had Sam in class one day and Sam was pretty vocal about how much he disliked drawing and coloring. Trevor said, "Sam, yes you do like coloring. I like coloring." Sam got a very serious look on his face and said, "Trevor, YOU are not ME."
--We were reading a story about making snowmen and snow angels and Sam yelled, "Chicken nuggets!" at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason.
--He removes posters from other classrooms and tries to put them up in random places throughout the hallway, which is hard to notice because they end up being at my knee-level.
--He hides my white-board erasers on a regular basis.
--Practically every time I turn around I catch him with my bottle of water or tea, mid-sip.
--He walks to the corner of the classroom and does all the different swimming strokes. I usually join him because it's good exercise. Here is the butterfly stroke:
This is what I look like when Sam grabs my camera away from me and I'm not sure if he's going to take a picture, stomp on it, or throw it out of the 3rd floor window.
Ok, that's enough about school. I feel like I live there.
I went to HomEver quite awhile ago to buy my bicycle and stumbled upon this lovely pagoda in the park by the World Cup Stadium.
I found a kick-ass English bookstore called What the Book? in Itaewon. And I bought a bookshelf last weekend, which makes me feel more at home. :)
It was sweltering here and then one day last week it abruptly became Fall. I love it.
I'll try to do a better job with these updates. Thankfully, I was feeling anti-social today and just wanted to sit and reflect on the past few weeks since they flew by.