Grandma, I was in Yongsan for my first AA meeting tonight and saw this--a massive bowling pin wrapped in Christmas lights! Brilliant! Have Grandpa put one in your yard this Christmas. :)
Josh, this is right down the street from my house. In a perfect world, only Saab owners would be able to get into this place.
You mean they let other people in there??????? Crazy.
Carly! Just checkin' in - your apartment is super cute and it sounds like you're settling in pretty well. I think about you every day and I wish I could hug you right now! Oh, and I'm very excited about Hello Kitty. lol xoxoxo
Hi Sissy, Where did u get that picture of the COOL BOWLING PIN. How are you liking Korea? Hoping you're feeling better. Love us Sis
I'm glad you thought of me when you saw the pool hall. I see they do use English there. That must help you out. We were a little suprised today when we went to your facebook and heard the pronounciation of the number 9. Oooh. Love ya' much, Mom
P.S. Let's Skype soon - gotta Grandma all hooked up now!
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