Sunday, March 15, 2009

"I keep uprooting myself unknowingly."

Hi, all-

I am (and have been) at a point where I'm counting down the days until my contract is complete. So imagine my unhappiness and frustration when my boss asked me to stay for an extra month (sorry, Grandma)...because it's difficult to hire people who graduate from college in the middle of May and then to get them here at the end of July (which is when I SHOULD be finished). I can say no, of course, but I'll probably stay that extra month. We have a week-long vacation at the end of July. I didn't do anything on that vacation last year because I had just gotten here a week before that. And I didn't go anywhere on Christmas vacation. So I'm pretty sure I'm going to travel to Bali. I need an awesome trip to plan and look forward to so I remain relatively sane.

Now I am going to post some pictures in an attempt to appreciate how cute my kids are.

Huey, looking pensively at the wall:

I accidentally captured the essence of Darcie:

Jason, looking like a VERY unhappy sunshine:

Dana, as an adorable butterfly:

Four of my favorite students: (from front to back- Jooa, Huey, Daniel, Sarah)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Video Extravaganza

Some of our kindergarten classes graduated last weekend. The ceremony was at Sogang University. I'm so glad graduation is over. Everyone was getting beyond tired of practicing their songs, dance moves, skits, etc. I unfortunately don't have film of the "star" of the show. Sally, who is in Meredith's class, did not move the whole time she was on stage. The rest of her class did a pretty good job. At the beginning of March she switched to the other SLP campus. I believe the embarassment drove her parents to switch her to a different zip code. :)

The butterflies practicing in the waiting room:

Pre-show jitters:

Miss Polly: